
Saturday, January 4, 2014

Today in Key West - live blog - rain blog

Hello and welcome to my live blog from Key West, today Saturday 4 January 2014. Many people actually read this blog from Key West (I can see from the stats in Google Analytics). Especially on a day like this…. everyone in Key West will know all too well that it's RAINING. Yep, right now at 9.41am it's raining hard in paradise.

And, sorry folks, it looks that way for the vast majority of today.

If you are in Key West, I can direct you to my post on what to do when it rains in Key West - click here.

I'm going to put this post live and then do more live blogging during the day today - in the rain!

For now, here's some pics from my guesthouse room of the scene in Key West taken just this second…

Rain clinging to the leaves of the royal poinciana
It's raining fairly hard. 5 out of 10 for hardness on the Key West rain scale - I've seen it much harder!
Heavy skies 
More coming later….


9.40am - Whey! A front must be passing through because it's gotten really hard now. Up to 7 out of 10 on the Key West rain hardness scale. No thunderstorms or thunder, just hard rain. It's really going for it here. We've had 4 people take to the swimming pool here in the guesthouse in the last 30 mins but it's so hard even they have come inside! No sign of it letting up.

10.07am. Yes, it is STILL raining. Hard. No news. Key Wests tourists obviously getting bored and annoyed. My blog and the "what to do when it rains" pages are very very busy indeed. If people have not got anything better to do than read my blog, things must be bad!!!

No sign of it clearing. We're in for a long session here, folks.

10.37am.  Rain.  Less hard, but still constant. Just trying to be a little optimistic, weather forecast shows a little break in the rain today from about 11am to about 4pm. It likely will still rain but not constantly, giving some breaks to allow visitors here to get from one bar to another without getting too wet! Then thunderstorms for the rest of the day after 4pm.

To keep up the air of optimism I am going to post some pictures of a sunny day in West (yesterday), coming next…

11.01am. Rain. Hard. I love the rain, especially when it's not cold. Currently it's 72 degrees. Having said that, as I'm only in Key West for a couple of days I'd prefer it to stop NOW and start the beautiful sunshine we had yesterday.

11.04. We had a really hard burst about 15 mins ago, here's a video…

11.51am. You know I said the forecast said it would stop at 11am? Wrong. Still raining, nice and gentle now but constant. It has not stopped for a second since just before 9am. Skies are looking a little brighter.

12.11pm. Just to remind ourselves, it's not always like this. Yesterday was beautiful - you can just feel the heat in these pics, right?

Key West skies

Key West bougainvillaea 
Key West palm tree

12.18pm. It's still raining but the sky is a little lighter out there. So I'm going to risk going out. I am going to get very wet but that's life in paradise! See you in a couple of hours.

If you've got any stories from today and how you made the most of the rain (or not) please leave a comment below. I'd love to hear from you.

2.46pm. I'm back, inside. I was out there, in the rain, for 2 and a half hours, and it did not stop. In fact, it's now back to raining hard again. It has now been raining constantly, without stopping for a second, since just before 9am.

But even though I got very wet, I feel as if I achieved a lot. What did I get up to? Coming next….

3.01pm.  So I've had a busy time in the rain. First, I donned my wet weather gear - flip flops, think shorts, tshirt and a poncho. I have a bright yellow, see through, poncho - my most essential possession today - which made me look like a walking condom. (No pictures are available!)

I did a lot of shopping, visiting all my favorite shops - I like the unique/strange/one-of-a-kind shops you get in Key West.

I found a new one, opened a few months ago, called Salt. Here is a picture. What a stylish shop and a great addition to Key West.

Then I had a wet wander. Key West feels like it's turned into one big puddle. And talking about puddles, here is my top 4 Puddles of the Day chart.

Simonton and Southard St. Puddle of the day - forth place.
Parking lot by the fire station - third place. This was the biggest one.
Greene St by the Old Custom House. Second place but deepest puddle with largest waves!
Winner of puddle of the day. By Faustos on Fleming.
I was not the only person wearing distinctive and fashionable poncho today. If you were anyone today, you had to be in a poncho….

By my favorite poncho by far today was this matching number in peach. Even in the rain, fashion lives on in Key West!!

Poncho style winners in a rainy Key West
Then I visited another top store - Peppers of Key West to get my top hot sauce (Palo Alto firefighters sauce). This is a fantastic place to go when it's raining, and sit at the tasting bar and have a tasting session (free).

Finally, I made a new discovery when thinking about what to have for lunch - the Eaton Street seafood market. I have just finished a very tasty indeed lobster roll. To see pictures of the lobster roll - click here.

4.02pm. After day of "normal" rain the heavens really open and we get a "thunderstorm heavy" rain. The same rain, except harder. I do like variety in my rain. I am pleased I got home before this one started. 7 out of 10 on the Key West rain hardness scale.

4.45pm. The first today, and maybe the loudest bang of thunder I have ever heard just now. It's chucking it down. Massive lightening too.

5pm. How can one sky produce so much rain?

Anyone for the sunset celebration tonight?!

5.32pm.  I am guessing you won't be surprised when I tell you it's still raining. Hard.

We are now on hour 9 of non stop, constant rain.

Light is fading - and below are the last photos of the day.

We are preparing to start the sunset celebration, without the sun. (Which we have not seen all day).

So spare a thought for the wet visitors and locals in Key West today, all 43,853 of them; thoroughly wet, about to take it out on a Key West Old Town bar (or two), and all frantically checking the online weather forecast for tomorrow to see when (or if) the rail will stop.


A big puddle has developed


1.42am.  It rained very hard on my walk out.  It rained all night I was out.  It rained as I walked home. But now, I think FINALLY it has stopped raining.

Yes, i just checked again.  It's stopped. After 17 hours of constant rain, peace.

8.54am the day after - good news. It's stayed dry. Blue is back. Paradise is back to normal.

It rained just over 4 inches on Saturday 4 January 2014, which is about 10% of the total rainfall which Key West receives on average in a full year. It broke that day's record for the most amount of rain for that day ever.

There was no rain on the following two days (after which my vacation was over and I left Key West).

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