
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Visiting Key West in September - watch out for the closed restaurants

Several restaurants in Key West close for a few weeks or more every September.

As I write this in mid-September the following are currently closed for a while (not permanently!) -

Blue Heaven - closed
Sarabeth's - closed
Roof Top Cafe - closed
Cafe  Sole - closed
Old Town Mexican - closed
La Trattoria - closed
Mangoes - closed for lunch, open in the evening
(Even Kermit from the Key Lime pie shop is not standing in his normal position outside the shop)

This is not a complete list but it's the ones I noticed closed - because I like them and I really miss them!

I don't blame them (much!) - it's the quietest time of year and really humid.  They work really hard during the peak season.  But it's still a shame.

Should this put anyone off visiting this time of year?

I don't think so because:

  • guest houses and B&Bs are cheap (er)
  • it's nice and quiet
  • there are good restaurants still open: Mangoes, Antonia's, 915, Michael's, Veggie Cafe, etc
But it's just good to know if you are visiting in this pre-fantasy fest period.

For anyone interested here are some pictures of what a closed restaurant in Key West looks like!....
A starkly empty and closed (only for a few weeks) Old Town Mexican restaurant

Old Town Mexican closed for a while for their annual vacation

Cafe Sole gone fishing for a while!

I managed to catch Virgilio's for one evening before it closed for 10  days
Sarabeth's - seems strange not to have David standing guard on Simonton Street!

An unusually empty (because they are closed for vacation for part of September) front dining area at Sarabeth's

Roof Top Cafe closed until Sept 29

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