
Monday, September 19, 2011

The prettiest street in Key West - my runners up

I got thinking, if you could only walk down one street in Key West which one would it be?  For me, not Duval Street as that fits into its own category. So which is the prettiest, best street in Key West?

Obviously, like everything else in this blog, my selection is totally subjective!  So don't get annoyed that your street's not in there. Most streets in Key West are lovely so this is only a bit of fun.

It does raise the question what factors make a street beautiful? The trees and flowers, the variety of homes, the grandeur of the buildings, the businesses or restaurants on it, the width of the street or how quiet and peaceful it is?

Here's my runner up list, in no particular order. Click here to jump straight to the winner of the prettiest street in Key West.

First, Fleming Street - a strong candidate.

Fleming St - This is one of my favorite houses, I love the  design of the balcony.

One amazing Fleming Street house which is hidden behind the garden out front.  Shame!
 Windsor Lane gets a worthy mention because of all the street in KW I love the bougainvillea display seen in the second picture below.

The most beautiful bougainvillea in Key West, on Windsor Lane.

And then to Elizabeth Street.  A very strong contender indeed, slightly let down by the lack of high quality consistency all the way up and down the street.  Very beautiful anyway as these highlights show.

And finally to Simonton Street with maybe the greatest variation in different types of houses as these snaps I took today show.   

The Cypress house on Simonton.  I love the wood.  Built 1888.
...and same street, but very different....

The lookout of Sarabeth's on Simonton.

But none of these is my 'winner'. ...

The prettiest street in Key West - click here

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