
Monday, November 12, 2012

Fast Buck Freddies closed - end of an era

I know this is old news as Fast Buck Freddies has been closed for months, but this is my first visit since the store closed and so yesterday I saw the closed up shop with my own eyes.

Like so many, I loved this store, stopped in every time I visited Key West, and even bought a few things from it.  If I lived here, I'd have bought a whole lot more!

It embodied Key West: weird, eccentric, tropical, strange, slightly out of step (with reality?!), different (in a good way).
Crazy flower cushions, taken in Fast Buck Freddie's, earlier in 2012.
It's part of the continuing trend of the 'normalization' of Key West.

What a shame.  An even greater potential shame is what this place might become.  Another big name brand clothes store?  I hope not... We'll see....

Here are some sad pictures of the store now.  You can use your memory to remember what these views were like when they were filled with crazy goods and people browsing.

Fast Buck Freddies with a closed sign on the front door.
Peering in thorough the closed front door to see what remains of the entrance area.

Fast Buck Freddies RIP.


  1. I really loved Fast Buck Freddies. I bought a cheese spreader with a silver shell handle. Oh and a muddler - impossible to get here in Ireland!!!

  2. they definitely had some crazy items. lots of tropical theme stuff. i suppose a lot of it is available online now (one of the reasons for closure, i think) but it's not the same, browsing for the kind of items in fast bucks had online. not as much fun

    the item they had i remember most recently were the very bright cushions shaped like flower petals- brilliant!

  3. Actually I've managed to find the picture taken earlier this year inside FBF's and I've posted it into the original article - above. Great cushions, aren't they?!


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